Bocconi Knowledge
La sezione Bocconi Knowledge nasce per tenere traccia e mettere a disposizione del mondo accademico e professionale i più rilevanti dei numerosi convegni e conferenze che hanno luogo presso la Scuola di Giurisprudenza dell'Università Bocconi. Questi ultimi, tenuti da autorevoli giuristi italiani e stranieri, sono disponibili sotto forma di relazione e/o intervista agli accademici ospiti dell'Università.
Graduation Ceremony of Bocconi’s LLM in Law of Internet Technology
The graduation ceremony of the LLM in Law of Internet Technology at Bocconi University has been a relevant moment to reflect on the future of technology and its regulations. Notably, this marks the final edition of the course under its current name, as it transitions to: “Law of Technology and Automated Systems”. In introducing the event, Professor Pollicino highlighted that this shift reflects the evolving landscape of technology and its intersection with the law, increasingly shaped by emerging fields such as AI, robotics, and beyond. The core of the event has been the keynote address by ...
60 Anni di Magistratura Femminile
Dalla L. 9 febbraio 1963, n. 66, traiettorie di giustizia e parità
Il contesto storico e l’evoluzione legislativa La conferenza si è aperta con una breve introduzione presentata dalla Professoressa e Presidente Emerita della Corte Costituzionale Marta Cartabia, la quale ha evidenziato il divario temporale tra la data di entrata in vigore della Costituzione e l’ingresso delle donne in magistratura. Si nota fin dall’origine un elemento di discrepanza: la Costituzione sancisce l’uguaglianza all’articolo 3, nonché il suo corollario che vieta espressamente la discriminazione sulla base del sesso, e all’articolo 51 stabilisce il libero accesso ai pubblici ...
Climate Change and EU Policies
Quo vadis, EU (Law)? 3rd edition: The Green Transition 1/4
The opening panel was chaired by Umberto Lattanzi (Bocconi University, and the speakers were Jukka Similä (University of Lapland) and Juoko Nuottila (University of Lapland). Climate change and EU transport policies – Jukka Similä Introduction Professor Jukka Similä laid out a comprehensive overview on the European Union’s climate policy structure. He defined the three different approaches [MOU1] of its intervention and specifically how they dealt with the transportation sector, one of the most polluting in Europe. The Professor’s presentation focused on how these instruments are currently ...
EU New Green Resources
Quo vadis, EU (Law)? 3rd edition: The Green Transition 4/4
The last panel was chaired by Rosalba Famà (Bocconi University), with the participation of Christian Neumeier (Humboldt University of Berlin), Alessandro Monti (University of Copenaghen) and Caterina Holze (University of Eastern Finland). Political Own Resources and the Green Transition The first speech was entrusted to Christian Neumeier and delved into the link between financial incentives and the Green Transition, especially focusing on one of the components of the EU’s funding: the Political Own Resources. In particular, the presentation focused on the system as a whole, ...
Internal Market and Sustainability: The Role of Private Law
Quo vadis, EU (Law)? 3rd edition: The Green Transition 3/4
The third panel delved into the complex dynamics between the internal market and sustainability, with a keen focus on the role of private law. In the pursuit of achieving a comprehensive green transition, legal frameworks must play a pivotal role in promoting sustainability and ensuring a balance between economic prosperity and environmental well-being. To explore this topic, the Bocconi Faculty of Law hosted a panel, chaired by Prof. Mikko Kaunisvaara(University of Lapland), and invited Prof. Lillà Montagnani (Bocconi University), Prof. Rosa Ballardini(University of Lapland), Prof. Béatrice ...
The Energy Sector and the Green Transition
Quo vadis, EU (Law)? 3rd edition: The Green Transition 2/4
The second panel of the day discussed the specific topic of the green transition in the energy sector. The discussion, chaired by Valeria Caforio (Bocconi University), took place between Prof. Miriam Allena (Bocconi University), Matteo Villa (ISPI) and Prof. Ilaria Espa (Università Svizzera Italiana). The European Energy policies: a Disruption of the Traditional Legal Principles The first who intervened was Professor Allena, associate professor at Bocconi University. Her presentation focused on the European energy policies; the aim was to show how over the years a very reach regulation ...
The Future of European Industrial Policy – 2024
Bocconi Lab for European Studies (BLEST) and the Bocconi Institute for European Policymaking (IEP@BU)
Panel 1: Industrial Policy in the EU architecture The ‘new’ EU Industrial Policy: Distortion of competition in the internal market? by Simone Gerner Adam Ambroaziak, in his talk about European Industrial Policy in turbulent times gave economic insights on the actual consequences of European Industrial Policy. He highlighted that combining the social, environmental, and national security aspects of the Industrial Policy with effective competition constitutes a big challenge not only between the EU and third states, but also between companies within the EU itself. He emphasized that the actual ...
The Europeanization of Italian Civil Procedure Law: The Italian Supreme Court and The Jurisdiction to Give Preliminary Rulings
The real binding force of a judicial precedent
The 2022 reform of the Italian civil proceeding, aimed at ensuring efficiency and a reasonable duration of proceedings, has assigned an increasingly important role to judges. While on one hand the pursuit of this goal has characterized many reforms of civil procedural law in the last years, on the other hand, these periodic changes have also produced many interpretative and applicative problems, which have resulted in interpretative divergences between courts, hence rendering decisions in similar cases unpredictable. Therefore, the 2022 reform, in addition to aiming for efficiency and reasonable ...
Assessing the Past, Envisioning The Future
International Investment Arbitration Law & Policy
The opening roundtable was chaired by Chiara Giorgetti and Michele Potestà (Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler), with the participation of Lise Bosman (Permanent Court of Arbitration), Mohamed Abdel-Wahab (Zulficar & Partners; University of Cairo), Jaroslav Kudrna (The Czech Republic), Ferdinando Emanuele (Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton) and Francesca Salerno (ENEL). Investment arbitration was born after the Second World War, when cross-border investment became vital, and the World Bank was created. Given that part of its mission is to encourage reconstruction and development and promote investment, the ...
The Complicated Life of a Constitution
Originalism and its Chances of Charming Europe
L’evento ha rappresentato il terzo incontro del ciclo spring 2023 di seminari organizzati dal Dipartimento di Studi Giuridici “Angelo Sraffa” ed era volto ad approfondire l'influenza sulla cultura giuridica europea dell’originalismo, dottrina centrale nel contesto statunitense, che tende a ricercare il significato originario della Costituzione guardando al contesto storico e politico in cui è stata creata. Alcuni aspetti di questa dottrina stanno prendendo piede in Europa, al punto che è possibile osservarne le tracce tanto nelle opere degli studiosi quando in ambito ...